The Rotary Club of Lakeport is bringing the “Save The Bell” project to the City of Lakeport and the community. We will be installing the historic Curfew Bell in Xabatin Community Park as a place to relax and reflect on our history and beautiful lake.

Lakeport Rotary would like to augment its current funding with $8,000 raised within the community for support.  The Lake County Arts Council, as a 501C3 organization and advocate for public art, will be the fiscal sponsor to receive tax-deductible contributions.

The Rotary Club plans to install a temporary sign at the park in the location of where the bell will be installed listing the contributing sponsors.

To be a part of preserving this historic bell, go to the donation button below!  No donation is too small. 

If you wish to donate using a check, make it out to Lake County Arts Council, PO Box 247, Lakeport, CA 95453

Tax Deductible ID:  94-2850778